The phenomenon of Islam in the western
Islamic World
There are interesting phenomena events after 11 September 2001 in the United States. Many residents of uncle Sam is not happy that Islam is now starting to learn interested. In fact, the University of North Carolina, the oldest university in the country adidaya it, thus opening new faculties: Islamic Studies. This is to respond to the growing demand on keingintahuan and information about Islam and Muslims.
After the September 11 events, many people want to know the United States to be Islamic. Keingintahuan it is busy-busy with buying and reading the Qur'an, read the biography of Muhammad, and Islamic books to learn the contents. By reading from the source directly, they know to be the real teachings of Islam.
Before the tragedy of skyscraper building demolish WTC (World Trade Center) in New York, the United States against the Islamic community, may dikata, very minimal. This is in line with the latest research conducted by Pew Research Center and Pew Forum Angket. Research shows that the fact that the majority of American citizens know little of Islam and how to operate it.
They generally only know through the mass media. Unfortunately, telling the media that they do not always read the whole of Islam. Not uncommon to describe Islam that is not friendly with the packaging in bad stereotype, such as terrorist or cruel towards women.
Surefire, 11 September events had put the Muslim community that dwells in this country - particularly the Middle East immigrant origin - in a condition that is not fun. They bear the psychological burden that is not light. Not only a suspect, not infrequently they Dilecehkan, associated as a terrorist. But, now, the conditions have changed.
Site wikipedia notes, in the last hundred years, Muslim population in the United States has increased. Some of this growth is driven by immigrants from the Middle East. In 2005, many people from Islamic countries to be United States residents - nearly 96,000 - each year than the previous two decades.
Muslim from the Middle East probably have retired in the history of Muslim presence in the country. Most researchers in the United States focus more on the coming of immigrants from the Middle East in the 19th century in the return of Muslim learning in the United States. However, the site notes that the history of Islam in the United States began around the 16-th century, in which Estevánico of Muslim Azamor is first recorded in the history of North America.
Some historians have other notes concerning this. They find the fact that Islam into America long before Christopher Columbus found the continent disebutnya as The New World was on 21 October 1492. Found that the facts show that the historian Muslim explorers have set foot and spread Islam in the continent is more than half a millennium before Columbus. Historically, Muslims have contributed in science, art, and humanity in the Continental United States.
Fareed H Numan in American Muslim History A Chronological Observation states, need not doubt, has given the Muslim influence in the evolution of American society a few centuries before Christopher Columbus set foot on the continent. History records that the Muslim from Africa have a relationship with the native American Continent long before berkebangsaan French explorers came to it.
The findings Fareed apparently in line with the verification that Ivan Van Sertima, other historians. In his hey Came Before Columbus <, Sertima proves the existence of contacts between Africa and the Muslim American original. In his work the other African Presence in Early America, Sertima find the fact that the Muslim traders from the Arab trade is also very active with people who live in the United States.
Sertima menuturkan, when set foot in the Continental United States, Columbus is the kekagumannya to the Caribbean that have been Islamite. "Columbus is also know that the Muslim from the West African coast have lived first in the Caribbean, Central America, South and North," said Van Sertima. Muslims who have been initially trade in the region to build a community that marry with the natives.
Sertima said, "that Columbus saw a mosque, while sailing through Gibara Beach in Cuba." In addition, Columbus has also witnessed the building of the mosque stands majestic Cuba, Mexico, Texas, and Nevada. That is the real proof that Islam has peradabannya seed in the Continental United States, long before the West arrived.
Other facts disclosed Dr. Barry Fell, a language expert and archeologists from Harvard University. In his work entitled Saga America, Fell said that not only Muslims before Columbus arrived in the United States, but also have built a civilization on the continent. Fell find that very surprising facts. According to him, the language used in the Pima language and Western Power Algonquina has a lot of vocabulary that comes from the Arabic language. Archaeologists also found that any posts in the old Islamic several places, such as in California.
Impressions Islamic past in the United States can also be from a place name and city in the country that stems from the Arabic language. In Los Angeles, for example, have called the Alhambra, the exact name of the palace built in the Islamic Cordoba. In that region, have called El Morro Bay and Alamitos and also some place called Andalusia, Attilla, Alla, Aladdin, Albany, Alcazar, Alameda, Alomar, Almazor, or La Habra. Not only in Los Angeles. In Illinois, there is the name of Islamic nuances, such as Albany, Andalusia, Lebanin, and Tullahoma. In fact, in Washington, have called the city of Salem.
In the Continental United States, there is a line of islands that the name stems from the language of Islam, such as the island of Grenada, Barbados, Bahamas, and Nassau. In the area of South America, have the name of cities in Argentina Cordoba, Alcantara in Brazil, and Bahia in Brazil and Argentina. There is also the name Absarooka Mountain which is located on the west coast.
The facts that the researchers found that indicates that the presence of Islam in the United States have a long history. Now, after the September 11 tragedy, may they not only examine the history of the coming of Islam in the United States, but also learn the teachings of-ajarannya, as do many other United States citizens. bur, from various sources
Other facts Arrival of Islam in America
* Dr. Barry Fell, archeologists and linguists from Harvard University, found texts, diagrams, and maps that be chiselled in stone that is used for the purposes of the school. Bertarikh findings that between the years 700 to 800 M. Text and diagrams that include the subjects of mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. Language teaching has found any posts that use the Arabic Kufi from North Africa.
* Alexander Von Wuthenau, berkebangsaan German art historian, and find evidence of the existence of the facts of Islam in the United States in the year 800 M to 900 M. Wuthenau find the carving that looks like The Moor. It means that Islam has sprout in the United States about half millennium before Columbus was born. He also found a similar carving bertarihk 900 M to 1500 M. Artefacts that are found similar images that parents commonly found in Egypt.
* Swakke Mroueh in Muslim writings in The Americas Before Columbus relate expression Razzaaq advanced Abdal-El, a native American people profess Islam. Advanced comes from the Cherokee tribe, known as Eagle Sun Walker. Advanced flatten, the Muslim explorers came to the land of the birth of Cherokee Tribe almost more than 1,000 years ago. Recognition of this strengthened with the discovery of the legislation, essay, and a resolution that indicates the fact that Muslims in the continent was so active.
Cherokee Tribal leaders in the year 1866 M, swakke said, was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Islamic Clothing usually worn tribe until 1832 that M is Muslim clothing. "In North America, there are at least 565 ethnic names, villages, cities, and mountains which he said comes from the root of the Arabic language," said swakke.
* Muslim historian Abu Bakr Ibn Umar Al-Guttiya narrate, the Muslim Caliph of Spain named Hisham II (976 M-1009 M), a Muslim navigator Ibn Farrukh has called sailed from Kadesh in February to 999 F Atlantic. He anchored in the Canary Islands or Gando Raya. Ibn Farrukh Raja Guanariga visit. The Muslim explorers gave the name of two islands, namely Capraria and Pluitana.
07.56 | | 0 Comments
Islamic Clothing Ability to absorb Various Cultures
Islamic Clothing more adaptive, able to absorb different cultures, from ethnic, to contemporary multinational. Monika Jufry again prove adaptation via Pa'Pollo Gayang.
The theme of course, tribal feel of the sound is thick. Monika explains, it is related to the main theme of the Fashion Exploration 2009 "Overture in Harmony". "A theme jewelry Indonesian culture, then there must be detail-detail jewelry Indonesia, which we adopted. Multiformity I use decorative Tana Toraja," said Monika.
Monika explains further, is the symbol Pa'Pollo Gayang wealth. "The symbol-a symbol that is used only by those who have high social status, therefore, very ethnic," sambungnya.
Despite the thick atmosphere of tribal, Monika still retain unique design style. Aura feels so feminine collection dominate the Muslim fashion house Sessa this. However, for Monika, feminine are not always identical with the skirt, gamis, or conduit bersiluet. In fact, in some collection, Monika Edgy include elements, which create a contemporary design look.
Is the modern, said Monika, disarikannya international fashion trends from the middle of validity. Therefore, not surprising at the beginning of the show, Monika show that the decoy collection. Have the asymmetric tunik combination with breeches pipe combined with the style of hat caping traditional farmers. Unique exotic at once.
Furthermore, the collection presents Monika breathing with the image of a young dynamic. This, said the birth of designer Bukittinggi, 6 January 1975, the closely related with the fulfillment of consumer needs. "We have adopted a sharp consumer needs. When this is the much sought-style Islamic Clothing simple, no longer glued to the grip that dominated fashion jewelry," said Monika.
"Especially the young people who want to smell all that dynamic, though not close the possibility that more mature women also like this collection," augment him. Reasons that make the collection Monika shifted towards a more simple and casual, no longer filled with glamorous jewelry payet form and beads.
"Islamic Clothing potential so it is a challenging business. Markets are more knowledgeable," a woman joined in the Association of Indonesian Fashion Designer Entrepreneur (APPMI) DKI Jakarta. It also then make the move to Monika path designs themed casual and chic.
Things to do in the collection is Monika memadupadankan multiformity conditioning in more interesting. Not only used as accents in a certain part, but as a focus on fashion itself. Simple but still sweet and feminine.
Meanwhile, in terms of color, Monika more use and reddish-brown palette, which disarikannya of natural colors Tana Toraja culture. However, the color contrast is not as such be through blocking technique, but the subtle patchwork techniques in combination with or through the accents.
The result? Clothing beautiful and unique, let alone how penataannya also interesting. For example, the color of red beads are placed as a decoration or waist detail collar. Motif that Pa'Pollo Gayang styled in the chest, arms, or as a layer skirt. In addition, Monika also incorporate ethnic motifs with embroidery, stones and payet, accents and fringes and obritzel in the design of a simple, modern, plus dynamic.
07.19 | | 0 Comments