Beauty of Moslem Clothing

How to wear jilbab look beautiful so that it is set in the Al-Koran. First, cover the genitalia. Al-Qur'an Al-Ahzab of paragraph 59 is from Allah SWT intruksi about how a Muslim wearing jilbab. "O Prophet, say to your wife-wives, children, women and the wives of the believers, jilbabnya Let them hold out to all their bodies. That is so much easier for them known, and they will not be disturbed ..." (QS. Al-Ahzab [33]: 59).

Second, the limit genitals. According to Asma bint Abu Bakr, he had explained that the woman must cover the entire body except the face and hands telepak. According to Ibn Taimiyah, diksi "jewelry" is a face and a hand. Thus, Ibn Taimiyah not require a veil for women, for which he is obliged to berjilbab. This, with the fatwa senada Hasan al-Bishri. He said, "The definition is perhiasaan face and clothes." Therefore any opinion Joseph Qardhawi he concluded that limit women's genitals must be covered is the whole body than the face and the hands.

Third, Allah SWT ordered the woman to keep eyes and appeared prohibits jewelry except on mahramnya. "... And do not expose adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, their husbands or fathers, or their son-son, son-son or their husband, or brother their son or son-brother they, or the son-son of their sister, or women, or slaves of their own, or flunky who does not have any desire (against women), or children who do not understand about women's genitals. And Do not flail their legs so that the jewelry they hide and repenting to Allah, ye, O people who believe that ye may prosper. " (QS. An-Nuur [24]: 31).

On the basis of that, then a Muslim in the jilbab should refer to the conditions set God. So that will not be an expression of ironic gaul jilbab or naked, but wearing jilbab. Na'udzubillah!

Finally, with a jilbab than as evidence of faith and piety of a Muslim. Also believed to be the birth berjilbab beauty. Mix and match hijab with islamic clothing will make you trully beauty muslimah.

How to Choose Islamic Clothing

In the month of Ramadhan and Lebaran, usually the more people choose to be Muslim clothing every day, or to bersilaturahim with the relatives and colleagues.

To have used Muslim clothing still comfortable to use, should select the right clothes. Here are some tips choose Muslim clothing designer clothing from some Muslims.

First, according to Islamic rules, clothing aims to protect users from the body of things that can mencederainya, in addition to cover the genitalia. That's why select a loose-fitting clothing so that Muslim disguise siluet body.

Second, choose clothes that fit that size does not endanger the time step. Clothing that insignificance beside the movement also made it difficult to breathe skin, than did not rule according to Islamic Clothing.

While the clothes that are too large is also dangerous because it can terinjak time running down and lead to users. Can also related objects so that a more sharp and material damage mencelakai users.

Third, select the model and color of the appropriate activity. If the user many beraktivitas, should use materials that do not absorb sweat easily haywire. Should consist of two pieces, superiors and pants. For more activity in the quiet place, a user can use a skirt.

In addition to the collection have cheerful colors such as pink, light blue, orange, and red, for a variety of events that is not formal, should also have neutral-colored clothing Muslims and formal, such as dark blue, gray, black, and white. To get it you can go to the Muslim clothing boutique. Muslim clothing boutique in many various options available.


Tips fourth in the Muslim fashion clothing is to shop at the new Muslim, try to coordinate with the new clothing model and color of clothes that have been held. This is useful to create something so memadupadankan can still be used.

Fifth, biasakan choose the cover model of the fixed cover neck. Learn a variety of creative veil that many informed the mass media so that users can still follow the fashion, but follow the rules of religion. Choose clothing boutique Muslims make you the best.

Sixth, choose clothing that can disguise the lack of body so comfortable socializing. For example, people should use a straight dress that seemed to pile up. People should disguise the heavy weight of weight by selecting the materials that seemed to light. Muslim clothing boutique will help you get the desire.

Elections color can also be made to cover the shortfall. For example, dark colors suitable for people that are big. Tips last, if you want to attend a festival event, should not need to choose clothes confused.

Casual clothes that can be owned luxury impressed with how to provide additional material from the impression that luxury. For example, combining of batik cloth with a shawl of organdi a neat, simple or gamis bind with OBI's silk or berbordir.